FIL-CENTER Strategic Action Plan 2024 – 2029

At FIL-Center, we have developed a comprehensive strategic action plan to drive positive change and advance the rights and well-being of transgender individuals in Uganda. Through targeted initiatives and collaborative efforts, we aim to address systemic barriers, promote awareness, and create a more inclusive society where everyone can live with dignity and equality.

Long-term Goal / Impact

Our long-term goal is to create a society in Uganda where transgender individuals have equal rights, access to essential services, and are free from discrimination and stigma. By advocating for policy reforms, fostering community support, and empowering transgender communities, we strive to achieve lasting social transformation and promote greater acceptance and inclusion.

Institutional Goal

Our institutional goal is to establish FIL-Center as a leading advocate for transgender rights in Uganda, recognized for our impactful programs, collaborative partnerships, and commitment to social justice. We aim to build a sustainable organization that continues to make a meaningful difference in the lives of transgender individuals and communities for years to come.

Theory of Change

At FIL-Center, we believe that by empowering transgender individuals, advocating for policy reforms, and fostering community support, we can create a ripple effect of positive change that extends beyond individual actions. Through strategic interventions and collective efforts, we aim to challenge societal norms, address systemic inequalities, and build a more inclusive and equitable society where everyone can thrive.

Programmatic Goals

Workshops and Education

Organize workshops and educational campaigns to raise awareness about transgender needs and rights among the wider community, promoting understanding and acceptance.

Healthcare Partnerships

Build partnerships with healthcare facilities to ensure transgender individuals have access to hormone therapy and other essential healthcare services in a safe and supportive environment.

Team Accountability and Transparency

Maintain a skilled and experienced team dedicated to achieving our goals with accountability, transparency, willingness, and commitment to our mission.

Legal Advocacy

Collaborate with legal experts and human rights organizations to advocate for legal reforms that protect and uphold the rights of transgender individuals in Uganda.

Counseling Support

Provide counseling sessions to transgender individuals undergoing transition, offering emotional support and guidance throughout their journey.